Gen Ed Foundation courses Year 2 and Year 3

Armenian Language/Literature 1 General Education Foundation (3 credits)

Course Description

This course exposes student to various influential works by Armenian poets, playwrights, and novelists across various historical periods.  Students will study the linguistic and cultural value of these works, gaining an understanding of how literature captures and impacts Armenia’s social, cultural, political, and economic history. Students are required to demonstrate their skills in literary analysis, documentation, and writing through the in-depth analysis and presentation examining the influence of one literary work. This course is designed for students with an intermediate to advanced background of the Armenian language. Although the course will be conducted in Eastern Armenian, it will expose students to poetry and prose in both Western and Eastern Armenian.  Three hours of instructor-led discussion per week.  


Armenian Language/Literature 2 General Education Foundation (3 credits)

Course Description

This course involves close reading of influential works by Armenian writers in their historical, cultural and comparative context.  The course examines the linguistic and cultural value of epic, short story, and spiritual literature through which students will gain an understanding of the interrelationship between literature and various aspects of Armenia’s history and development. Students are required to draw upon literary theories and influences in their final project and presentation, which may be either an original work or a sustained essay on an influential literary work. This course is designed for students with an Advanced to advanced background of the Armenian language. Although the course will be conducted in Eastern Armenian, it will expose students to literary works in both Western and Eastern Armenian.  Three hours of instructor-led discussion per week.


Armenian History 1 General Education Foundation (3 credits)

Course Description

As an advanced course in history, this course uses a critical lens to examine the ancient history of Armenia, its land and people, beginning with pre-historic times through the reign of King Trdat III and the Conversion of Armenia to Christianity.  This course examines the geo-political, economic, and socio-cultural development of the Armenia and explores the relationship between ancient Armenia and other ancient civilizations.  Students are required to work in groups to analyze and integrate evidence from various disciplines in order to investigate the ancient roots and influences on one aspect of Armenian identity and development. This course is designed for students with an intermediate to advanced background of the Armenian language.  Three hours of instructor-led discussion per week.


Armenian History 2 General Education Foundation (3 credits)

Course Description

This course examines the history of the Armenian people and their territories in the Common Era, beginning with King Arshak II through the establishment of the modern Republic of Armenia and renewed independence in the 21th century.  This course explores the political, economic, and cultural shifts within and beyond Armenia to understand the global context for Armenia’s development and identity.  Students will be required to conduct high quality independent research in which they critically analyze contemporary issues through a historical or comparative lens. Students will be required to evaluate and synthesize evidence and arguments from various disciplines, effectively communicate their ideas to a broad audience, and present their findings utilizing appropriate software and technology. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to be forward-looking, to analyze Armenia’s unique history in order to anticipate challenges and opportunities for development.  Students will also be challenged to think of themselves as informed and responsible historical actors capable of positively influencing Armenia’s history. This course is designed for students with an intermediate to advanced background of the Armenian language.  Three hours of instructor-led discussion per week.