Faculty Development Resources

AUA faculty research support programs include several strategically focused initiatives that promote promising and impactful new lines of scholarly research and intellectual contributions as well as the growth of collaborative and interdisciplinary research teams.

Research activities supported by the University research support programs will enhance the visibility and recognition of our faculty and institution by elevating research and scholarly impact to address society’s critical issues and promote socio economic development in Armenia and beyond, investing in the outstanding scholars who advance the University’s mission. These programs also aim at fostering the potential to attract external funding for sustained research efforts.


  • Faculty Professional Development Grants 

These grants are designed to provide full-time faculty members with funding to carry out projects in the categories of instructional or professional development. New initiatives are favored as opposed to ongoing or continuing projects, and small grants are favored so that a larger number of faculty members can benefit. Grants may also help defray the costs of presenting at a national or international professional conference. Funds may be used for a) conference registration fee, b) travel expenses, c) lodging, and d) per diem.

Funds may be used for materials, services (including hiring undergraduate and graduate assistants), travel, and/or publication expenses directly related to the project. 


  • Research Incentives Program 

The University competitively awards a course (Teaching Credit Points (TCPs)) release to a limited number of qualified full-time faculty. A given academic year typically has ten course releases for research. This program aims primarily at fostering the scholarship of discovery, which is the traditional concept of scholarship vetted in peer-reviewed journals and monographs.

Ranked full-time faculty members from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Collaborative applications involving interdisciplinary research, students/alumni, or multiple faculty members are encouraged.


  • Faculty Research Accomplishment Award 

The University offers this research award aimed at fostering the scholarship of discovery, which is the traditional concept of scholarship vetted in peer-reviewed journals and monographs in line with AUA’s definition of scholarship. The award is meant to recognize a faculty member’s accomplishments in scholarly research.


  • Teaching Excellence Award

This program aims at recognizing excellence in teaching on every level, whether in the lecture hall, seminar, laboratory, or academic field. Excellence in teaching connotes an objective, current, accurate, and balanced command of the field being taught; effectiveness in communicating its essence; and the willingness to interact and exchange views with students at the highest levels of intellectual integrity.  


  • University-wide Academic Event Funding Program 

Limited funds are offered in support of University-wide academic events. Such events are expected to be multi-disciplinary, bring a broad and diverse community together via hackathons and seminars, engage students and/or faculty from various programs and colleges of AUA, and possibly engage international faculty and/or students.

In order to learn more and apply to these programs, please visit the Intranet portal and go to the   Education and Research section.


Contact us: Collaborations and Academic Support Unit, [email protected]; 060612531, 060612530; Office Room 604M