2005, Yerevan, Armenia  
Workshop program
List of participants
Final report
   Workshop program

Part 1: Saturday, September 17 , 2005

Venue: AUA

Session 1: 10.30-12.00 PLENARY: PANEL DISCUSSION

Title of presentation Presenter

Welcome and description of Workshop’s goals
 (5 mns)

Prof. Ara Tekian, Univerisity of Illinois at Chicago, USA
OSI priorities, HIV/AIDS, the GFATM and the role of SPHs (10 mns) Dr. Michael Borowitz, OSI, New York
Governmental human resource policies, civil society, and SPH training programs in the Egypt/Middle East in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the GFATM (15 mns)

Hassan K. Bassiouny,
Dean, High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria, Egypt

Governmental human resource policies, civil society, and SPH training programs in Africa in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the GFATM "(15 mns )

Prof. Frederic Wurapa, Dean, SPH, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana

Developing a coherent and holistic response to the fundamental needs of South African Health Care System in the light of the HIV (10 mns)

Prof. Sharon Fonn, Dean, SPH Witwaterswand, South Africa

The experience of CHS/AUA in Armenia: the interface of training programs, government policy, and private sector demand (10 mns)

Dr. Haroutune Armenian
Dean, College of Health Sciences, President, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia

Discussion (35mns)  

Participants. Participants from African and Middle Eastern schools of public health, moderators, and speakers.

Background. Over the past five years, OSI has funded, in collaboration with ASPHER and other organizations, faculty training, peer review, and program development in two dozen graduate-level teaching programs in Europe, Russia, and Central Asia. While direct institutional support for curriculum reform in schools of public health ends in 2005, OSI is interested in exploring work with schools of public health in areas particularly germane to its public health agenda and outside of its traditional region, the former socialist bloc. Foremost among OSI interests is the question of the access to health care of vulnerable groups afflicted by HIV/AIDS and TB, whether intravenous drug users or sex workers in countries with concentrated epidemics, or impoverished rural populations in countries with generalized epidemics. OSI is a supporter of the GFATM and is exploring ways to increase its effectiveness. 

Aims. The plenary will introduce the discussion of how governmental human resource policies and the demands of the private sector impact the content and nature of the training offered by SPHs. What is the relationship between curriculum and diploma-track changes and governmental public health workforce policy? Does the private, non-governmental sector constitute a sizeable career track for future graduates? Does it impact the content of training programs? What is the role of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in driving educational programs and public health workforce government policies?

Members of the Session l will introduce the general issue of workforce training and public policy in the Middle East and Africa and the context of HIV/AIDS concentrated or generalized epidemics. The example of the conference host country, Armenia will also be discussed.


Workshop participants will be divided into 2 groups, one composed of African countries, the other Middle Eastern. Facilitators will be appointed for each working group.

TOPIC 1 (1 hour):

Discuss and document the interface of schools of public health, government, and civil society in Africa or the Middle East in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic

Questions to be addressed:  

  • Analyze the relationship between PH short-term and diploma-track training and ministerial public health workforce policies as well the impact of  training demand from the non-governmental sector in representative countries in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
  • Discuss representative career tracks of SPH graduates in each country and what this reveals about the demand for higher education in public health
  • Describe existing models for the interface of SPHs and the community whether through faculty/student research or other community outreach programs
  • Describe any existing collaborative programs or activities between SPHs and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, Malaria 

Task for the group:

The reporter for the work group should prepare the following conclusions from discussion:

  • Findings per country
  • Define general lessons learned on human resource planning for PH in the countries involved in the group work and in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and any existing collaboration with the GFATM

TOPIC 2 (1 hour):

Distill a number of recommendations for the program planning process of potential funders, including OSI and the GFATM, involving the contributions of SPHs to the fight against HIV/AIDS and TB

Task for the group:

  • Formulate your suggestions for a SPH/OSI partnership in collaboration with the GFATM to fight HIV/AIDS and TB, per country.
  • Make recommendations for cross-country initiatives


Participating countries:

All representatives involved in our Workshop, Part 1.

Presentations by 2 work groups (20 mns each)

Discussion (40 mns)

Conclusions with concrete recommendations to OSI (30 mns)

Suggestions for discussion

Reporters will present summaries of the discussions carried out in a workgroups. Members of the panel will be asked to make comments.

Workgroups also will be asked to present written summary with the conclusions and recommendations

The reporters and representatives of African and Middle East countries will be then invited to make presentations in Part 2 of this Workshop, which will be held on Monday, September 19.



Part 2: September 19 , Monday, 2005

Venue: AUA

Session 1: 14.00-15.30. PLENARY: PANEL DISCUSSION

Title of presentation Presenter
Opening address to the participants of the Workshop (5 mns) Prof. Martin McKee, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Member of the OSI Global Health Advisory Committee
Welcome and description of Workshop’s goals (5-10 mns) Linas Sumskas, SPH, Kaunas University of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania
The Afri Health project and SPHs in Africa (15mns)

Carel IJsselmuiden
Council on Health Research and Development (COHRED), Geneva, Switzerland

Kyiv Mohyla Academy SPH in partnerships to tackle HIV/AIDS: beyond the Global Fund Grant Programme to Fight HIV/AIDS in Ukraine".(10mns) Paola Pavlenko, SPH, Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
Report on Workshop, Part 1 and presenting the situation in PH education in African Countries (10 mns) To be identified
Report on Workshop, Part 1 and presenting the situation in PH education in Middle East Countries (10 mns) To be identified
Discussion 30mns  

Participants.  Participants from schools of public health from Europe, Eurasia, Africa, Middle East.

Aims. Part 2 of the workshop will introduce and continue the discussion begun in Part 1 concerning the interface of schools of public health, government and civil society in the context of HIV/AIDS and TB, this time focusing on schools of public health in Europe and Eurasia. Findings from Part 1 will be reported in the opening plenary.


Group work 16.00-17.00

Workshop participants will be selected into 2 groups. Facilitators will be appointed for each working group. African and Middle Eastern participants may join in either group and

The first group will include: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia

The second group will include: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Poland
Topic 1 (30 mns):

Discuss and document the interface of schools of public health, government, and civil society in Europe or Eurasia in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic

Questions to be addressed:  

  • Analyze the relationship between PH short-term and diploma-track training and ministerial public health workforce policies as well the impact of  training demand from the non-governmental sector in representative countries in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic
  • Discuss representative career tracks of SPH graduates in each country and what this reveals about the demand for higher education in public health
  • Describe existing models for the interface of SPHs and the community whether through faculty/student research or other community outreach programs
  • Describe any existing collaborative programs or activities between SPHs and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, Malaria

Task for the group:

The reporter for the work group should prepare the following conclusions from discussion:

  • Findings per country
  • Define general lessons learned on human resource planning for PH in the countries involved in the group work and in the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and any existing collaboration with the GFATM

TOPIC 2 (30 mns):

Distill a number of recommendations for the program planning process of potential funders, including OSI and the GFATM, involving the contributions of SPHs to the fight against HIV/AIDS and TB

Task for the group:

  • Formulate your suggestions for a SPH/OSI/GFATM partnership to fight HIV/AIDS and TB, specifically per country. Include recommendations for cross-country initiatives.

Conclude in plenary 17.00-17.30

Presentations by 2 work groups (10 mns each)

Discussion and Conclusion (10 mns)

Suggestions for discussion

Reporters will present summaries of the discussions carried out in a workgroups. Members of the panel will be asked to make comments.

Workgroups also will be asked to present written summary with the conclusions and recommendations

The reporters and representatives of African and Middle East countries will be then invited to make presentations in Part 2 of this Workshop, which will be held on Monday, September 19.


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